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Hello everyone,

I am a Swedish woman, mother, and wife who is passionate about computer science, coding, and programming.

I love running long distances and skiing, and I have a wonderful family composed of my Italian husband and two children. I was born in Sweden and have been living in Milan since 2010.

I am happy to share my passion for technology with you all!

Sara Sjoedin Scolari

My interests

👩‍💻 IT

  • Fullstack development
  • JavaScript & Python programming
  • Microsoft SharePoint, Power BI & Power Automate

⛷️ 🏃‍♀️ Sports 🧗‍♀️ 🚴‍♀️

  • Marathons and ultra running
  • Skiing (x-country, slalom, & alpine)
  • Rock climbing & Via ferratas
  • Cycling

"I wish we will be
working together
in a near future!"